Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Letting go and letting Him

Life is to be shared and it definitely opens a completely new world to you when you find that one special person. However, what happens when that one person is not all that they seemed to be and all the hopes you have built in them come collapsing down.
When it becomes clear that without trading your belief’s and your God the best thing is to let go.
Just thankful that today I am working on letting go –knowing people and letting them be .I have to remember to say thank you again if only to keep me going . Right now it seems like the hardest thing to accept that a special person’s purpose in my life is done with and I have to start out again on what seems a lonely path.
My decision to let go is reminding me of my love for the saviour and am thankful that the Lord has instigated in me such great love and wisdom to discern when I should let go and let Him. I am thankful that it is teaching me to overcome my natural inborn tendencies to put myself first and instead put my God first.
I am thankful that it is teaching me to trust my father above. I am happy too that this pain is for a reason and once I have truly let go I will look back and give praise for his goodness.
Thank you Lord that even in such times you never let go of us and I pray for other young people who may have invested time in a relationship but have to let go that you give them the strength .Thank you Jesus that you are not just faithful but you are sufficient.

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