Monday, 23 November 2009

The Answer.

God is looking to be God in our lives, question is are we looking for Him to be Lord of ours, and if so what are we doing about it???

It honestly doesn’t take much considering that a relationship with Him is purely based on love and grace oh yeah and faith, a hard one for most especially when we bring in realism. After all for most of our dreams and aspirations to move from the mist of the night into the light of the day, His light we must surrender totally to God.

So what does it take for us to respond to His love, nothing. Simply to love him back for after all we love Him because he first loved us. God is our Initiator so we are at our best when we are responding to Him. If only it was that easy cause it is one thing to say I accept you as my Lord and saviour and another to do the walk, putting Him before our everything and making Him our everything.

If it is any consolation the whole of our Christian life is a response…but to what exactly do we or to who do we respond to? That is the challenge; I guess that is where God comes in and not just but with love, grace, mercy and what ever else goes to make sure that we don’t lose track in our journey. His hand is truly on us even when we least expect it or even deserve it.

If only like Joshua we can proclaim and declare that we will dwell in His house all the days of our lives, then He will truly be Lord of our lives. If we simply saturate ourselves with worship and prayer then He will transform our lives. I have been here too long and it hasn’t always been clear but I have learnt that if I simply do my part which half of the time isn’t, follow His lead through His word, He will not only meet me half way but see me to the end. The result a happy me, at least for now.Praise His Holy name.

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