Friday, 28 March 2014

Celebrating the Life of Our Dear Departed.

Death just like birth is one of those universal things that we all as human beings must one day face. It reminds me of wise King Solomon rightfully putting it in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything , a time to laugh a die to cry, a time to live, and a time to die …his message being there is a season and a time for everything under heaven.
This March my family was overshadowed with darkness as on 19th March 2014 we lost an anchor to the family, a grandfather, father, husband and friend, my uncle Absalom Luyindi  Sengendo. Death of  beloved one is something I wouldn’t want to wish on my worst enemy{luckily I don’t have those} Naturally it’s a dark season for everyone and during those times am one of those people who tends to get locked  into a thought process of life and its meaning and the afterlife.  One such moment was when in July 2012 my father passed on. That time I found solace in the fact that we should thank God that such men have lived instead of mourning them. As I slowly tuned my mind to think gratitude I was ever so grateful that me and my siblings were not orphaned at a young age as many of our colleagues were. Of course in this dark season, things are so blurred that no matter how old a person is, or how long they have been ill, the reality of it happening, hits us in such a hard way that it is nothing short of a miracle if in the moment we determine to keep positive.
There is a song that has a lyric that here on earth we are a flower quickly fading and as I think about that truth it re-emphasizes to me that life hinges on the Lord, whether we acknowledge it or not, He is the potter and we are the clay and its best to sing with Him if for nothing else so we can live on eternally after our business here on earth is done.
When I started off writing this i thought I would feel the pages, but the mystery of life and why we are here and where we are going has left me short of words, and I guess I will just end with a prayer that even at our lowest may we long with our every being to know God better, to understand His way and find His will for our lives.

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