Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Financial Freedom


I am a girly girl and naturally  love shopping my heart out and as if that is not enough I will bend backwards to please my loved ones with gifts, let's say am blessed with the gift of generosity.

Like any other 21st century millennial, I have gotten into the rut of spending what is not mine thanks to the hand that keeps giving in form of credit.

Many times I have revisited my finances and attempted to get them in order only to get back where I started.

I recently attended a financial workshop at my church that reinforced that living with less is the most efficient way to control your financial future and here's how;
Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20 It's good to receive wealth from God and good healthy to enjoy it.

ü  To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life, this is indeed a gift from God.

ü  Tell your money where to go- have a budget, track your money. You can't manage what you don't measure.

Proverbs 27:23 Be diligent with your flock 

ü  Your money is a seed, plant for next summer. Don't eat everything  you  bring in. 

ü  Include God in your finances (tithe)

ü  If we align with God, He will show us how to invest our finances.

ü  Don't do the same thing over and over and get the same results and accept it.

ü  Have someone you are accountable too.

ü  Delay gratification; don't use credit for something you don't need, save for what you need.

ü  Avoid and eliminate debt, get rid of instant gratification. 

ü  Don't owe anyone anything apart from debt of love.

ü  Know the difference between profits and wages.

ü  Don't subscribe to the cultural perspective of “Things bring happiness”, Happiness can only be found in God.

ü  The way we manage money is a matter of the heart, dedicate it to God, plan, give, save, repay and enjoy.

ü  Use the 10:10:80 rule;


10% Save

80% Live on

ü  If you can't afford it, don't do it.

ü  Don't work for money enjoying what you can't afford, let it work for you. 

Proverbs 21:5  Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.

ü  Build an emergency fund.

ü  Save for unpredictable emergencies, for predictable needs and for planned future goals.

Proverbs  21:20  The wise man saves for the future but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.

ü  Enjoy- the secret to enjoyment is to stop the comparison  trap.

Hebrews 13:5  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have.

It is never too late so hoping this triggers you to start by evaluating your current situation, establishing a spending plan, creating a repayment schedule, downsizing your lifestyle and if you can’t downsize consider earning additional income.

Here’s to Financial Freedom!


  1. What a reminder! These principles we know but ignore or forget about. With bibilical quotes to accompany them, may we find it prudent to change.


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